Intuitive Movement

I have been recovering from Myalgic encephalomyelitis (aka chronic fatigue syndrome) for the past year. One of the most complex challenges for me has been exercise. Any physical exertion made me utterly exhausted and left me feeling like I had the flu. When I was really sick, I couldn't even grocery shop or run the vacuum without needing a nap afterward. 
In my healing process, I have learned how essential it is to listen to my body and practice intuitive movement.  
What exactly is intuitive movement?  

It is the practice of connecting and listening to your body to figure out how it feels and what type of movement it needs that day.

What that means for me is that some days I can go for a walk. On other days, my muscles are too tight, and I need to do a stretching routine or foam rolling. Some days, I need to do yoga to help me deepen my breathing and relax my body. 
Practicing intuitive movement involves being honest with yourself, understanding your body's needs, and working within your body's limits. It is about being in partnership with yourself.  
I have a personal goal of returning to the exercise routines I practiced before I got sick. But to get there, the best thing I can do is honor what my body needs in the here and now. 
3 tips to get you started on practicing intuitive movement:

  1. Do a quick body scan. Tune into your body's physical state. Is it tight and sore? Stressed and agitated? Or loose and energized?

  2. Choose a form of movement you enjoy. There is absolutely no reason to do an exercise that you hate! If you despise the treadmill, then don't get on it!

  3. Pay attention to how the movement makes you feel. When you are done, are you energized? Do you feel stronger? Or are you in pain?

Remember… Take it one day at a time and realize that our relationship with ourselves is a lifelong journey.  If you would like some extra support reach out! Schedule a complimentary call here.


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