Uplevel Your Nutrition

In this day and age, we have so many food choices available to us. It can be overwhelming. I have boiled it down to a nice, simple formula to make it easier. Pay attention to these three concepts, and your body will thank you!

  • Balance: Eating from all food groups is essential – clean protein, simple/complex carbs, and healthy fats. All too often, people eliminate entire food groups. When you do that, you miss out on crucial nutrients. I recommend going for a balance over the whole day to allow for flexibility in your meal choices. It doesn’t have to be a perfect balance at every meal.

  • Quality: Focus on whole foods as much as possible. It is best to look for foods as close to their natural state as possible. Think of single-ingredient foods. An easy way to achieve this is to choose more plant-based foods. Eat your fruits and veggies, keeping your plate full of different colors. Select organic as often as possible to minimize your toxic load.

  • Quantity: Don’t eat “too much.” Learn to pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. Follow the 80% full rule. After eating half your plate, stop and assess your fullness levels. Aim to eat to 80% full. Your digestion will work much more efficiently when you don’t overstuff the stomach.

Focusing on these three simple and effective strategies will shift your health. I see it time and time again – inflammation lessens, pain decreases, moods are lifted, digestion improves, and so much more!

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