
So many things have changed in the last couple of years, right? Maybe you were in the groove before the gyms shut down. Or perhaps you didn’t have an exercise routine at all and are wanting to start one now. Whichever the case, I want to share with you my top tips for having a healthy, balanced exercise routine.

1) Start slow.

Yep, you heard me. I cannot tell you how often I have to remind clients to take it easy when getting back into an exercise regimen. I know your mind thinks you can do anything. But then there is what your body can actually do. If you are in it for the duration, give yourself the gift of starting off slow. That might mean starting by walking a few times a week, as well as developing a stretching or yoga routine. Your goal might be getting back to doing a 10K run but don’t ask your body to do too much too soon.

2) Listen to your body.

Some days your muscles might be really sore and tired. If that is the case, you don’t want to push through it. Your body gives you signs and sends messages. It is up to you to listen. I started back to the gym a few weeks ago, and last week I did an exercise that tweaked my shoulder. It was the reminder I needed to know my limitations. Nothing wrong with that! I now see the movement that doesn’t work for me. I can thank my body for telling me so.

3) Do something you enjoy.

Clients will often tell me they are going to jump on the treadmill or elliptical. They have it in their head that this is what they must do to lose weight or get in shape. But when it comes down to it, they actually hate the treadmill. How long do you think you will last doing an exercise that feels like torture?  When I look back at my exercise routines, the ones that stuck, they always involved being in some kind of a group. In the 80's, it was Step Aerobics. Now it is small group Circuit training. The big thing I notice is that what keeps me motivated is being with others and listening to some good tunes!  So ask yourself:  what kind of movement/exercise do you enjoy? Start there.

4) Celebrate your body, don’t punish it.

The main goal of exercise should be to make your body feel healthy and strong. You want the end result of exercise to make you feel good about yourself. Don’t use exercise to fight with your body. Too often, women get the mindset that they have to exercise to change their bodies. A healthy relationship with exercise is using it as a tool to reduce stress, to feel good, and to create a habit of moving your body. Let’s remember, exercise shouldn’t be a chore. 

5) Stay consistent but flexible. 

Our bodies are designed to move, so building a program that works with your current fitness level is super important. Creating weekly routines for the activities you will do helps to give you a framework to work within. But also stay flexible. Some days you just can’t get off the computer. Some days you need the extra hour of sleep. Recognize that this is part of making exercise a life-long habit. Stay firm in your commitment to your health while being flexible with your approach.

The bottom line… Exercise should be about moving your body in ways that you enjoy, making you feel good, and providing you with a quality of life. Use it as a time to connect with yourself. Maybe you can only get in a 15-minute walk, well that’s great! Give yourself some credit. You took 15 minutes for YOU! Celebrate that and continue to build on your success.
Remember… Take it one day at a time and realize that our relationship with ourselves is a lifelong journey.  If you would like some extra support reach out! Schedule a complimentary call here.


Creating Change


Joy Juice