Creating Change

Have you ever thought about the fact that we create our own health or even our own dis-ease? What we DO, how we THINK, and how we LIVE - it all affects our health.

Read that again… What we DO, how we THINK, and how we LIVE - it all affects our health.

If you are wanting to make a shift in your health –physical health, emotional health, or spiritual health – there is one super important question to ask yourself. What will bring about the most change? To help answer that question, let me introduce the 5 Levels of Change:

5 levels of change in a pyramid graphic. 1st- Identity 2nd- Beliefs 3rd- Capabilities 4th- Behaviors 5th- Environment

1) Environment

The first level of change is the ENVIRONMENT. This includes your physical surroundings - think home, work, as well as the people with whom you interact. What kinds of changes can you make in your environment to improve your health? Is your pantry full of “trigger” foods? Do you have fresh fruits and vegetables on hand? Do you have relationships that fill you up? Begin to notice what in your environment can be changed to bring you more ease and improve your health.

2) Behaviors

The second level of change is BEHAVIORS. Behavior is what we do. And not surprisingly, what is happening in our environment directs us to the behavior choices we make. There are two aspects of behaviors to look at. What are the “unhealthy” habits to let go of? What are the “healthy” habits to cultivate and add to your life?

3) Capabilities

The third level of change is CAPABILITIES. This is more about the skills and abilities that you will need to reach your desired outcome. Do you know what foods are best for your body and health conditions? Do you know how to prepare healthy meals? Do you know what kind of movement is best for your body?

4) Beliefs

The fourth level of change is BELIEFS. Our beliefs and values drive our behaviors. They are the primary force behind our actions, and they have a massive impact on our outcomes. Our beliefs determine how we view ourselves, react to others and what meaning we make of our experiences. Often, we are not even aware of the beliefs we hold. What is important to you about being healthy? What beliefs are holding you back? What beliefs might get you better results?

5) Identity

The fifth level is IDENTITY. This is all about your sense of self – who you believe yourself to be. Your identity comes from your core beliefs and values. It is our perception of our identity that organizes our beliefs, capabilities, and behaviors. Who am I? How do I think of myself? What do I stand for? “I am a healthy person” can be a helpful identity statement. What is yours, as it relates to your health?

As you think through each of the levels for yourself, notice where you need to make your changes. Which level? Can you implement the changes on your own?

Suppose you have a goal to change a behavior that is not in alignment with one of the higher levels.

  • Maybe you want to have more home-cooked meals (behavior/capability change), but you consider yourself a horrible cook (identity).

  • Maybe you want to eat less sugar (behavior change), but you tell yourself you worked hard, so you deserve the pint of ice cream (belief).

  • Maybe you want to get back into an exercise routine (behavior change), but you think you have too much on your to-do list already (capability/belief).

The transformational work that I do with my clients allows me to work with ALL LEVELS of change! I can help you find the “right” foods, create new behaviors, shift your beliefs and, over time, revise your identity and sense of self.

So ask yourself, the change you want in your life, can you do it by yourself? Or would you benefit from the support and guidance of a coach like me?

Let’s talk about what health challenges you are facing and set you up with a plan to move forward. Schedule a complimntary call here.


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