The Truth about Beliefs

Have you ever noticed that some aspects of your life keep repeating, and you can’t seem to make it different? This happens because of the connection between our beliefs and our experience.

  • If you believe you don’t deserve happiness, life will offer experiences and people that keep you unhappy.

  • If you believe you aren’t worthy, life will offer experiences and people who keep you unworthy.

  • If you believe your needs don’t matter, life will offer experiences and people that show you that too.

Everything that we believe to be true about ourselves (or about life in general) was brought about by the experiences we had in our past. Most of these beliefs were formed before we were 5 years old. Crazy, right? The good news is that we can change those beliefs.

Once we identify the beliefs holding you back, creating change is much easier than you think. We can upgrade these subconscious beliefs by revising them with more useful beliefs. In doing so, you will experience positive and permanent shifts in your current life – and then so much more becomes available to you.

Any change is possible if you are willing to work with your outdated beliefs. 

So ask yourself, what are you experiencing that you would like to be different? It is the first place to start.

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How Do You Feed Yourself?


Intuitive Movement