Sneaky Enemies of Success

Whether it be in your health goals or just life in general, three behaviors clearly get in the way of success.

  • Staying in the comfort zone:  This is where you follow your regular routines and habits. You stick with them because they are familiar and cause you no stress.
    It may seem so much easier to stay comfortable, but it doesn't lead to change. When we learn to step into the fear zone, we can move into a state of learning that will guide us into the growth we seek.

  • Giving up to quickly:  This happens after repeatedly trying to make changes and not finding a resolution, even when a solution is available. Although the easiest thing to do is stop trying, it won't get you where you want to be. The antidote is to take one small step. When you are successful with the first move, you will build the necessary self-esteem to take another.

  • Looking for the easy way:  I hate to break it to youbut there is not always an easy way. Yes, we want to come from a place of ease and flow – 100%!  But change can often feel uncomfortable, especially at first. Once again, taking and completing small actions will build the self-confidence to take the next challenging step.  

When you notice that you are not getting the results you have been hoping for, take a closer look. Where are you getting stuck? What are the ways that you are sabotaging your success? I encourage you to get curious, explore, and learn what makes you "YOU."

And remember, the best thing you can do is start with just one step.

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