Reaching for More

One of the best ways to further personal change is to develop the habit of "reaching" for more of what you want.
When a young child wants up, they reach out their hand to be met by someone they love and trust. We, too, want to be able to reach our hand out to Life so that we can be met and given that which we want as well. The reach allows us to receive more of what we want for ourselves.
Another vital part of the "reach" is noticing what beliefs you hold about having what you would like: 

  • Do you feel unworthy of having what you want?

  • Do you feel that others' needs are more important than what you want?

  • Do you believe that life is meant to be difficult?

These limiting beliefs need to be changed for you to have the things you want in life. Mantras and affirmations can take the edge off. Still, the easiest (and fastest) way to shift negative beliefs is to rewire the subconscious patterning. 
Begin to take notice of the words you say to yourself. They are the first place you will notice the beliefs holding you back.

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